Developing countries

System for the direct analysis of substances in fatty and high molecular weight matrices

KAIN, finalized the development of a patent pending on-line GPC-GC technique with which substances can be analyzed easily in oily or difficult matrices. This resulted in a system that can be used for the analysis of unpurified sample extracts. Routine use of this technique will result in significant savings in analysis cost price and environmental pollution for laboratories. As of June 2013 dedicated systems including applications will become commercially available. Weiterlesen »

Histamine in fish - analytical solution

For a laboratory in Africa an "analytical solution" to determine Histamine in Fish was developed. The project was carried out in KAIN's own R&D laboratory in the Netherlands.

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Interim management

In May 2011 KAIN accepts an interim management assignment in a laboratory outside Europe. During this period KAIN ensures the daily operations and is able to implement a number of improvements. 

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